Saturday, January 11, 2014



This is my haven of silence on my morning walk.  When I go very early there are few cars and few distractions.  I love this time of silence.  I love see the sky light up and all around me changes.

As I head back up the hill I start to met people walking to work.  They are usually in a hurry.  I stop to take a picture at the Coyote Creek it is still in shadow.  There is a calmness looking at the little creek.  I am thankful I can take my time and appreciate life starting all around me.

Friday morning I did not go for my walk but went back to bed.  I could hear dad making his porridge and turning on the radio downstairs.  Soon I am fast asleep. 

By 3 o'clock and after having some lunch I felt some energy returning so went out to feed the birds and clean up a bit in the garden.  Lots of dead branches and dead leaves around.  I had not notice the rain cloud that was forming above me until I felt the rain drops, slowly at first then more heavy.  The fresh air felt good and I was ready to get started on some reading.

I am reading "The End Of Your Life Book Club" which I am finding fascinating.  When his mom is diagnosed with cancer the author decides to spend quality time with her.  They both love to read so included in the story is the books they are reading.  I want to look some of them up at the library.  I usually pick authors I know or a subject I am interested in.  They read a wide variety of books and enjoy discussing them with each other.

It is amazing how his mom deals realistically with her cancer and delights in the times she can be with family or friends.  The visits are often cut short because she gets tired but she has enjoyed every minute she has been present with them. 

They spend a lot of time visiting the doctor and often wait in silence each with their own thoughts,

I guess in our way we are figuring out our lives, dealing with sadness and separation, and finding the courage we need at the end of the day.

I got my rain things ready,  after writing this , for the next morning as it is suppose to be raining heavily, also it will be very windy to-night so I will have matches and candles

 This is the path I take if I take a shortcut but since it is near where some young girls were attacked I will stay on the road or else get a big stick.  I love the part in the book where his mom who had lead an active life tells young women: "Yes you can have it all, marriage and children and career but you will need a lot of help.

Getting too hot for me in Australia.  Glad the birthday party was a hit!


Anonymous said...

I made pizza on the BBQ for Jasmines actual party last night .We also had a pinyata whech the little one love to smash. Not much sleep for me as the party was still going at 1am...Good win for the Canucks yesaterday , missed the game , saw the high lights. Another coolist day before this weeks heat wave .. ugh on early shifts all week , not good ...Ken

Sandra said...

Help is always a good thing! I am looking forward to going to help Mary with Simone's birthday party. She talked to Randy and I a bit today on Skype. She likes to make faces at us and scrunch up her shoulders. Soon Lincoln will be doing the same. Sandra

nancy-Lou said...

The end of Life Book Club sounds like an interesting book. I will see if our local library can order it in for me. Thanks Beth. I do love walking when it is quiet out. Early morning is so beautiful. Often there is no wind....and lovely pink sunrises. A scientist once told me that sunrises have clear air, thus pink skies....sunsets often are orange with some particles in the air....the wind stirs them up.

Glad you are enjoying your walks.
Love, Nancy