Saturday, October 18, 2014


A few pictures from the future home of Carol and Panteli~

A drizzly day not the best time to view Carol and Panteli’s new place.  It is full of light and has a lovely view from their balconies.  It has great potential but needs tons of work taking out old carpets and washing and taking off wall paper and painting.  They are getting estimates and picking colors etc.  Very hard work.

A busy day after seeing the new town-house then out to Cloverdale to visit with Jane and Geof.

Dad and I came home to find a glass china cabinet in our front room which Kim can have if she wants.  Just looking at it makes me fearful and thinking some how it could  get broken.


Sandra said...

I thought that is where you guys might be when we stopped by. We were running way behind as I had to go get my foot exrayed (may be broken) and I still had to get at my home work. We picked out paint for the family room/kitchen but I don't like it now.Not muddy enough, very minty green. Sandra

Anonymous said...

Thanks for coming by Mom. I hope sandra's foot isn't broken.

nancy-Lou said...

Sandra and Panteli's new home looks very nice. Love the large fireplace and the woodsy views. Is it nearby where you live?

Yes, I do hope Sandra didn;t break some bones in her foot...they take a long time to heal.Crossing my fingers for you Sandra.

The dogs and I had an invigorating walk today. The north wind was strong and coming right off the lake. Temperature was just +2. We dressed warmly and I had to take my toque off as we came darned hot! The dogs keep me going at a fast pace!

Looking forward to seeing some after pics of the new townhome. what fun for them.

Cloverdale. My godmother used to have a dairy farm there and we used to go and visit her every year when we came to New West to visit my great aunts who lived there. It was all farms then. circa 1950.

Have a great day...gotta run and make supper. scallops for Carl and salmon for me.

Love Nancy

Anonymous said...

Back to work yesterday. Same same. Saturday night is usually quite , so it was good to catch up on the gossip. Melina and the kids went down to queenscliff yesterday afternoon . They stayed overnight at the caravan park with her sister and their kids. Should be home tonight .
Very windy but warm here . Took Rocky for a walk run this morning. He is a good dog/puppy and is friendly with the people and dogs we meet.

chilliwack said...

Ken good to hear your news. How is your back?
Warm and windy here today.
love mom