Friday, October 17, 2014


All of us have worries.

" We worry because we are intelligent.  Intelligence predicts, that is its essence, the same intelligence that allows us to plan, hope, imagine and hypothesize also allows us to worry."  - Norman Doidge, M.D.

I often leave the house wondering if I have left the stone or the iron on and now we both dad  and I  wonder if we have closed the garage doors as soon as we turn the corner.  Yes, we have for gotten  several times.

One thing I am trying to do is be more aware of what I am doing when I do something.  Yes, I may even talked to myself out loud or maybe I just mutter away.

Then there are people I have to be careful what I say for fear of upsetting them. 
A good friend is someone you can say anything to.

And although it is normal to be more forgetful as one gets older it still can worry be at times.
 So I congratulate myself when I do remember.  We seem to worry more about our health which I am trying hard not to do.  Aches and pains jump from different areas of my body so I never know what will be doing what.

Right now dad and Kim are having a contest about who cleans the dishes the best.  They each have a different way of doing them.  I have the cleanest dishes in town!

Thankfully they both have a good sense of humor and can laugh and enjoy a video together.

Both Jim and I agree to take life a day at a time and to be thankful


Shandel said...

A beautiful tree in the mist of changing for fall. love the colors. Sometimes my eyes and brain can not believe the color i see in front of me. It is only a few days and then poof the leaves and color are gone. we are left with skeleton trees just in time for Halloween! haha
Worrying is hard not to do, but i believe the more we do it the more harm we cause to ourselves. I double check myself all the time. but i work at trying to be more present in each task that i dont have to double check. Hoping you have a wonderful day! worry free. and hey if you can send some dish washers to our house. haha i would love that

Sandra said...

I know I am a worrier so it is something I watch my self for and try to keep to a minimum. But when all of a sudden an ache starts up where it never was before it is normal to wonder if...? I am off to see dr nolte today about my foot. First though there is exercise class this morning. Sandra

nancy-Lou said...

Isn't that a beautiful tree, Beth. It must be one of those Japanese Maples that you can grow out there on the coast. Brilliant colours.

Worries are something we all have, that is for sure. I try to remind myself that I cannot help what happened yesterday and I cannot control what is going to happen live for today...just as you and Jim decided to do day at a time!

I have four new piano students, so my class is nearly filled for this term. They are all eager students, especially now that we started learning some Christmas music. They love that...and it is a good carrot under the nose....practice your pieces well this week and you can learn Silent Night next week! haha

That is so cute....Kim and Larry having their own method for doing the dishes! I just let the dishwasher take care of them!

It was cold here today. Toque and warm jacket day. Old man north wind was huffing and puffing.

Have a lovely evening,

Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

Yes Kim would agree but the dish washer is broken!