Thursday, January 9, 2014


"What we are all more or less lacking at the moment is a new definition of holiness."   Pierre Teilhard De Chardin

Came home from church after the morning and afternoon meetings ready to curl up with a hot heating pad.  I was really chilled at the church.  Feeling like a grandma with my blanket, book and heating pad.

Interesting to get different people's view on things.  We have been learning that wisdom often comes through our struggles.  There are some very difficult questions in our study book which we struggle with.

We are changed by listening to one another.

I find reading different books helpful. 

"Seeing the sacred in nature   The trinity is like the waves that come crashing into the shore.  There is the force and the power that creates the waves and the winds, when the wave breaks another one comes it is like Jesus and finally the third wave is the Holy Spirit.  Then the cycle begins all over again.  One build upon the other and yet all a part of the fullness of life that mysteriously pulls us into this mystery."-   Barbara Brown Taylor

Revelation, the strangest book and the most controversial book in the Holy Bible,  was written in the aftermath of war.  It contains visions and dreams and nightmares and strange creatures and the threat of judgement upon evil.  The evil that rises up to fight good.  The  Holy Spirit is the one who seals us with the promise God will always be with us; not because of our goodness but because of our willingness to be servants.

Written in code Revelation uses Old Testament imagery because of fear of the Roman Empire at that time.  The writer writes as a Jew who has seen the glory of the Messiah who he describes as an image of Divine Light. 

Some preach a Christianity were there will be no more struggles but we all still go through difficult times.  Discipleship, a word that was once a big part of our faith, has been lost because discipleship calls for a radical obedience.  Am I willing to fight against injustice?  poverty?  prejudice? fight for the lonely and down cast?  How can the world change without using violence? 

I admit I do not read my scripture as frequently as I once did but have come to understand it was written by flawed human being just like me.  I will keep studying and hopefully learning.

One part of Revelation I appreciate is when angels address each of the seven churches.  Every church has it's own angel.  Some burn brightly while others flicker out slowly.  Many of our members are getting older but we have lively discussions and lots of laughter!

Later in the evening our neighbor came over to tell us his daughter had crashed into our hedge on the side of our house.  She was not hurt.  She is learning to drive.  I have not looked yet.  Had a good chat with her dad and reassured him we were not upset.

Milk shake day today!  I think it has stopped raining.


Sandra said...

Randy and I were woken up in the night by some very loud noise. We did not investigate last night, but so far so good this morning. I have been taking my adavan to sleep every night because work has been very stressful. Randy is sick, has a fever and cough but has gone to work. Just means more people will get sick. Candice took her son Owen to the hospital last night with the same thing I think. Sandra

beth bennett said...

Our minister and his family have the same thing and it is miserable. Yes, I think people should not spread it around.

Dad's computer has crashed which is annoying. Can they not be fixed.

love mom

Anonymous said...

Hot here , I am off golfing , early , then home and off to the watermark for Jassy's birthday party.

nancy-Lou said...

Beth, I hope you and Larry had the flu seems to be cropping up everywhere. Carl and I got the shots at the Senior's Scene, just up the road from where we live.
Revelations has always puzzled me....meeting in a group and studying it would help a lot

I took my little dog to the vets today, he has had a few seizures. He had some tests and I will find out more tomorrow. Hoping for good news. He is the little fellow who became blind suddenly last March.

Today almost seemed like summer, it was -7. People were walking outdoors with coats open, not hats or gloves. After the deep freeze it was wonderful!

Love, Nancy