Monday, February 13, 2017


Good to have all your ducks in a row!

Dad and I had plans to have an early birthday celebration with Jane and Geof at the Sylvia today.  They both have nasty colds so it will be postponed.  I know that I have my good days and some not so great but life is certainly worth celebrating.

On Sunday morning I enjoyed walking with Haiti and met an old friend.  They too have had nasty colds.  I was disappointed about not attending church as they were having the annual meeting.  We are celebration another successful year.  So many amazing people who put their hearts and their faith into action.  Lee Plett has been a steady resource as our secretary with our many changes of ministers.

Sandra had planned a early brunch to celebrate dad's upcoming birthday.  Carol and Panteli joined us with lively discussions.  Maybe if Rick had been there,  there would have been some debate.  This is often a part of our gatherings.  We met at the River Inn with our favorite waitress serving us and even producing a cake with a candle to top off the celebrations.  Sandra will be leaving for Edmonton on the 17 and Theresa and Mikie are leaving for a conference and a holiday.

I had time for a short nap before Leah and Craig came over with little Ophelia looking so adorable in a pink bunny hat.  She smiles and makes little noises and it keeps Leah and Craig busy looking after her.  I wish I could be more help but I can smile and make funny noises too!

I did a little reading from the Gospel of John.
The message is one of celebration.
From ancient traditions to the celebration of new life.
Purification water into new wine,
Forgiveness and grace at the well.
The lame man leaping and walking.
Nourishment with the spiritual bread of life.
The blind man sees a vision with new eyes,
Lazarus is brought back to life and Jesus takes his time to come to Mary and Martha.
Jesus calls him for from the gave wrapped in burial cloths.
Unbind him and let him go our the words of Jesus.  -John 11:44

A dead religion turned into new life and relationship is worthy of the celebration of worship and joy!


Sandra said...

It will be good to have a quieter day today as yesterday sounds quite busy.

I am going to drag my self out to the grocery store, maybe have a barbeque tonight, it is so nice when the sun shines.


nancy-Lou said...

Sure glad you stayed away from the folks with the are wise! they are going the rounds here too and so far we have been OK.

Your early lunch with your family at the River Restaurant sounds lovely...there is no better way to celebrate a birthday that with family is there?
When is Larry's Birthday? one day this week, I would think.

My laptop is in the shop...AKA at my son's place...he is the computer geek of the family. We have to order a part for it so it will be a while without it and I really miss it. I have to use the desktop computer and it is tucked away in the studio.

Did You buy a new computer Beth? Have you thought about a laptop? they are so convenient....portable and I like to use mine while I watch TV.

I am contemplating doing a painting of white poppies...with the lovely yellow centres on a dark blue background. It is painted in my head already! BUt I am cleaning my studio and re-organizing it so it may be a while. Perhaps I will teach it this saturday to my teens. It is an advanced painting, but the two who will be coming are doing very well and I think they will meet the challenge, just fine. I want to do it right now....grrrr but can't too much mess in the studio with everything taken apart...books and CD's and art supplies and I love out my drafting table and large ugly chair so there is more room now.

We are finally getting some really nice weather...mild, for us and not snow in the forecast. They say it will be nice for the next 10 days ....I just hope it lasts for the 23rd when Carl has cataract surgery.

There are quite a few rabbits this year. I see them almost every day....they are so darned cute, with their large black eyes and pink ears and white coats. That means there must be quite a few fox and coyotes....we need to watch our cats. My old boy isn't feeling too well this winter. He has had two colds. He is 14 and sleeps a lot of the time.

Well off to do more work in the studio...the sooner it is done the sooner I can do the painting.

have a lovely evening,

Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

No computer yet.

Worked on fixing it but no luck. Love beth