Thursday, August 28, 2014



Spiritual energy  is full of color and light!

It is mixed in with the ordinary so it can be hidden! 
It can surprise you and fill your soul with awe and wonder.

I came to the meeting at the Vineyard Church early, just to put the coffee on, and slipped into the room where the guest speaker talking to the leaders.  What a surprise when I was asked to come forward.  It is strange when someone tells you all about your life and they are a complete stranger.  Taking me back to my childhood.  It is like they are seeing your inner soul. He told me I had a gift for writing.  This filled me with joy as it has always been my heart's desire.  Early in life I had been discouraged and that had stayed with me.

If I told you I felt drained of energy everyone would understand but when one tries to explain a powerful energy flowing into you people do not understand.  Yes, it was a wacky church but I have always felt a little wacky too not strait laced in any way or form.  Being married to an air traffic controller is stressful for a wife especially with four small children.  I knew I needed healing and an experience of the Holy Spirit.  It has to be experienced.

Also he had an encouraging word for Rick of all my children.  He asked if I had a son and I said yes two.  The message definitely was meant for Rick.
I had fun going to church there.  The music was happy and also worshipful.  I loved it.  There came a time to go back to our old home church where we were welcomed back.
That was where we met Cathy and her girls and made many loving friends.  Everyone loved Dad!

Today I am going to try to walk a little further but save some energy for my visiting.


Sandra said...

Yes, there is quite the difference between the two churches. In the end it all comes down to the people. I am very happy that you introduced me to the vineyard as that is where I met my best friends. Sandra

Steady-as-rain said...

That Vineyard church was a bit wacky, but the Hydro guy who played the guitar was good.

I didn't know you were discouraged from writing. That is to bad.

Still time to write a book. Title? "The Cane and I". :)



beth bennett said...

Yes, they were free and spontaneous without flowing robes or dogma or reading by rote. They believed in the power of music and the freedom of dancing
It attracted a lot of people abused by the church and searching for a fresh wind to blow upon them. It had its faults and did attract wounded wacky people who admitted it, not like the rest of us who sit primly in our rows and repeat the same routine every Sunday.
I love my church now but I do miss the joyous celebrations.
love mom
P.S. I wonder why you were mentioned something like your life was going to improve I think.
love mom

nancy-Lou said...

Well....that explains it! It must have been a heart warming experience.Especially to tell you that you have a gift for writing after being discouraged as a child

When did you start keeping a daily journal or writing your blog? I have a feeling it has been a long time. You certainly do " have the gift".

Well we called in at the farm on the way home and are having fresh corn on the cob along with chicken cordon bleu for supper. Also bought a passel of yellow beans.Soo fresh and tasty!

How did your visiting go today? Was "cranky pants" cranky?

Love Nancy

beth bennett said...

Actually dad and I went to visit Vera and Howard and Leah instead.
I thought Leah was going away this week end but I got it mixed up. I wanted to see her before she left. She goes on her birthday Sept. 5 to Cuba for their pals wedding.

I started journal when our children where teen-agers to write out my worries. The minister also mentioned that not only would I journal but I would write and bless others with my writing. He mentioned that I was the only one in my family who believed but God's love was with them. He said that my son was not living up to his potential which I believed at that time.

I was amazed,
love beth

Things did get worse as he predicted but then every thing improved. Do not worry about what you cannot control.

nancy-Lou said...

The minister's insight was amazing, Beth. The power of faith and prayer is amazing too...To think he would predict all those things and they were true...WOW!

I too, started keeping a journal when we were going through some tough times. After a few years I gradually stopped writing. I did find solace in putting my thoughts to paper. Those teen years can be pretty rough for us parents.

Those are very wise not worry about what you cannot control..I am much better at that, now that I am older, but still fret at times.

I am glad you chose to have a visit with Leah instead of going to see cranky pants! She sounds like a very caring person. You and Larry are so blessed!

Love, Nancy