Saturday, August 2, 2014


The plan was for Carol to take the children and the dog Haiti too.
We talked it over and it would be difficult to have her in their very small apartment.  Carol and Panteli are taking the children out to the aquarium so they would be out all day and she would definitely bark at any noise.

We  talked it over and decided Haiti could stay with us and I need not walk her because she can go in and out our French doors.  Seemed like a plan but in the morning as soon as Haiti saw me putting my shoes on she got all excited.
I enjoyed my morning walk with her which was a little short.  It warms up so quickly you really have to go early.P8011791

P7311790 A happier Ben! !

Looking at these  pictures  I am thinking it is amazing to have such a lovely young grama! 

I would do more in the garden if I could garden in my bathing suit and swim in a pool when I get hot like Sandra does.  Another young looking grama!  Instead I take a nap.

Cannot wait to see Cameron and Shandal.  They arrive to-night.

Enjoyed a visit with Jane and Geof as they were in the area, had to put Haiti in the dining room quickly when Jane came to the door.  Haiti certainly barks at people and is unpredictable how she will act.

Dad and Geof had a walk in the Water shed Park which he thoroughly enjoyed.  Too bad we do not see them so much any more but life changes and so must we.



Anonymous said...

Looking forward to seeing Cameron and Shandel. It seems like a long time for me...can't rmemember the last time I saw them! xo Panteli

nancy-Lou said...

Wow, that lucky Sandra, gardening and jumping in the pool...what a life! It is so nice to see how much they are enjoying their new well as the rest of the family!

Dogs are so much fun too...glad you have Haiti for a while...she looks to be such a nice dog. You must be careful though that she doesn't pull you over when walking her on a leash. Even my 20 lb dogs can pull really hard....Bella wears a harness and that helps a lot..otherwise she gags herself pulling on her collar.

I am hoping to paint today...a new series of simple line drawings of flowers and cats with watercolour washes.Smaller pieces which would look great in a grouping. The cat series will be great to make prints and donate to the animal shelters I support, including the one Sandra supports as well. I will mail her some once they are done!

Have a lovely day,
Love Nancy

larry bennett said...

Very thoughtful Nancy!

Enjoy your day and keep an eye out for those
big hairy guys

love beth

nancy-Lou said...

I didn't see any big hairy guys yet, Beth, but I am looking!

love, Nancy

Anonymous said...

Below zero here today. On early shift this week.
Very tired today. We go back to ear nose and throat dr on Tuesday to see if Matthew needs his adinioids out.