Thursday, September 6, 2012


Wow dad has fixed my computer but it works differently so I will have to get use to it. I must remember to thank him. skduaSKDJUASDH

It is a little too hot for me but actually just right in dad's shade deck with the gentle breeze blowing through. I would have been very happy to stay home but I did go visiting armed with a pop instead of the milkshake. My feet felt like they were swelling up as I walked across the hot pavement towards the home. I was told by Jim dearest that he hates all pop except root beer and just in case I had forgotten he hates people too. He was very angry and his eyes flashed angrily at me and I was silent. I am sure it is the stroke but it is still hurtful. I wonder if he has any regrets about his life and that this fills him with despair and depression and worse of all anger. In some strange way I do care about him. I leave. I am sorry Pierre the blind fellow is not in, he is such a sweet man and has amazing stories to tell. Helen invites me into her small room and we sit and chat on her small love seat. She has no regrets and her only wish now is to be useful. She has been able to pour her love into the life of her husband, who died 20 years ago, and also her 5 children. She is able to share what is alive in her and what has given her life meaning. So until that moment I had felt my effort had not been worth but while sit and listen I feel my spirit being revived and I could shake off the sadness.

I am aware we all change as we get older!


Anonymous said...

Good news that Larry fixed the computer. DId he tell you what the glitch was? Curious because all of us took a stab at it, then we blamed Mr. Google for a while, but it looks like it was the PC setting.
Looking forward to more photos now.
all is well here. Carol is in SAn Jose California for the weekend taking a Soul Collage Facilitator course, basically some kind of Art Therapy.I almost went, but we decided to save momey for a more fun holiday as she will be in courses from 9:00 AM to 9:30 PM friday, Saturday and Sunday.
Love Panteli

Anonymous said...

Hmmm ... fixed ... possibly not so much, I think.

Time to get a new computer maybe? New ones are very cheap these days and the old ones tend to accumulate as the virus and bugs and stuff ...

It is good that one lady appreciated your visit.

Anonymous said...

from Rick.

beth bennett said...

Thanks Panteli for the news. I do not know how Larry fixed it.

Yes I am having problems but I am working on it. Being hot and tired does not help.

I hear some are feeling cold. Hmmm
love mom