Friday, September 14, 2012


I have made many wonderful friends in this life journey of mine.  They have encouraged me and they have helped me make decisions.  There are some who are like spiritual guides for me and I lean on their wisdom and their abilities that I do not possess.  With new understanding there comes a senses of the possibility of an intimacy with God more real than ever.  This is what calls me to prayer and a desire to listen for the voice of God.  I am always trying to understand the hidden meaning and purpose of all suffering.

I was reminded today of the verses in scripture that say "You have forsaken your first love" and I feel that I need to return to that first love which was the love of scripture.  I am not a scholar that needs to pick the words all apart but I need to listen and hear with my heart,

Sometimes I put secret hidden messages in my writing when I am thinking of some one and have a word for them especially.  I do not know if anyone picks this up?  And you know I think the writers of the Bible did this too and not just in revelations.

When I look with my eyes it appears to me that the world is flat.  But it is not.
When I hear the news or read the papers I feel like the whole world is in chaos but actually it is not.
Both on a macro and micro level the world is incredibly organized.--Anthony Destefefano. 

Us human beings can create chaos when justice is denied us and life is very unfair.
Even Jesus said "the kingdom of heaven has been forcefully advancing" so sometimes justice has to be something we are willing to fight for.

My morning at the dentist went reasonable well but I am home here with two missing teeth.  I will get a partial flipper until we decide the next step.  It is so very very costly but it would be nice to have permanent teeth.  I guess we will cancel our cruise (ha ha we were not planning one).

Dad thought he was just get a chipped tooth fixed but ended up with a root problem .  He had a second appointment in the afternoon.  He managed a short walk between appointments.  He also drove over to the Nursing home with me to deliver Jim his milkshake.  He said he was not expecting me of course after being so angry with me last time.  He really thank me and I think he was okay that I did not feel like staying and talking.

I am convinced that Jesus is inviting us to be a force for good in this world where so many people are broken and hurting.  We all have gifts and using them gives live meaning and purpose.

How can I hope to find an invisible God when I can never even find my own glasses?
I do not know how prayer works yet I keep praying.

I hope to visit Pearle today an old friend.  We went visiting as lay-chaplains together for many years.
First I will walk with Gundy.  I am trying to get back into that routine.  Also want to have a short visit with Mary (90) across the street.  Her husband is failing and it is tough on them both.


Anonymous said...

I hope I don't end up like old Jim, but I just might.

I seem to just leave my glasses on most of the time.



beth bennett said...

That is the scary part we just do not know how we will be in the future do we?

love mom

Anonymous said...

Jasmine fell at the mall yesterday when shopping with Melina. Melina took Jasmine to the dr at the mall , who was no help, they then went to the emergency at the hospital. An old and experienced nurse looked at Jasmine ,made her laugh then relocated her elbow. Took 3 seconds. Just shows you how bad our doctors are , the dr told Melina to go get x-rays .Jasmine was of course screaming the whole time.
I got new multi focal glasses from Costco , really cheap , so yes like rick I wear my glasses most of the time.


Anonymous said...

Hi ken and melina, I really had you guys on my heart and did phone but got bo answer. Poor little Jasmine and how stressful for you melina.

I will tell the nurses in our family what a good thing she did.

Love mom