Thursday, September 6, 2012


I love to warm my hands around the hot coffee mug early in the morning.  I am hoping to upload my pictures onto this blog but time will tell.  It refuses for 20 times then it will work and it surprises me every time.

I was surprised and pleased to receive another birthday card on Sandra's birthday.  I have always loved picking out and sending cards and now I really appreciate receiving them.  I may forget who sent me one but I can go back and dig into my box of treasures and find them and it is like getting them for the first time.

                                     I hope Leah and Tyler enjoyed a spontaneous birthday too !

Today I took what should have been a simple drive to White Rock to see my neighbor who has moved into a new Senors Home.  Now most people complain about the bad drivers on the road but I am thankful for all the good ones.  My first problem came with a detour and then because there was an accident there was a second detour.  By then I was turned around heading in the wrong direction.  I was also having trouble reading the numbers on the signs.  When the sign said the States I figured it was time to turn around and head back.  I decided I would either return home or if by chance I found the right road I would go for my visit.  She was so pleased to see me so it was worth while.

Yes, I do doubt my driving ability on busy roads especially when I get lost.  The main thing is not to doubt yourself with the deeper question of whether you are a good hearted human being.

Dad was good hearted and drove a friend who is not doing so well to Delta Air park where they both enjoyed watching and talking about airplanes.

 I do hope Jasmine does not need to have her tonsils out.  It was very painful for Ken when he had it done.  It was his hearing that was affected.

Ken hope you can shake that sore throat and cough.

 I do not wonder that Melina could not sleep with the wind so strong, over 100 Kilometers.  Scary!

I was very tired last night and tried hard to stay up till 9.  And I made it!  Today I know the way to the Newton Home and just have to remember who is who.


Anonymous said...

I think I inherieted my sense of direction from you, Mom.

I got Leah a small cake for her birthday, as I knew she wouldn't eat much of it, so if it was a normal size cake then I would end up eating the leftovers during the weekend.



Anonymous said...

Yes, we sent Leah home with the left overs from my place, I wonder if it was Craig who had to eat it? Then they surprised me with another cake at work on Tuesday. I love my GSP mom, I can not read road signs either until I am right up to them so it is nice to have a little voice telling me "in 300 meters turn left" Sandra

Anonymous said...

Yes I found out Rosanna's daughter had the same problem but turned on her GSP which told her how to get back. I think dad has one in his car he nevers uses,
love mom