Thursday, September 6, 2012


I am so annoyed I have spent an hour trying to upload a picture.  I know that in the grand scheme of life whatever that is it is a tiny little thing; but it is my little hobby that I enjoy and hopefully others enjoy and also a way to keep in touch with family.

Is there a message in this?
I went outside to take a picture and see if that would work.  It took 25 tries which I could live with if I knew it would work.
I also walked down by the salmon stream and as you can see the leaves are starting to fall.  I decide to enjoy my walk and forget about my computer.  I enjoy seeing the children walk by me on the way to school so that is a change as I usually go earlier.  It is warming up and going to be a beautiful day, the air is fresh and I can smell the grass and the flowers.

I want to be in a good mood for when I go visiting our moods do affect others at home or away from home. 

My mind wanders as I think how fortunate I am as I stop to take pictures.  Thinking about yesterday's drive I think I knew the direction I wanted to go but there where no roads that appeared to be going in the right direction.  I was wondering if they would have let me across the border.  Yes, I know there are turn off points but it did surprise me when I saw the signs that said it lay ahead.

While dad goes for his walk in the forest I make us sandwiches, really cramed with good things.  Almost as good as some of Shandel's preparations.  I debate to myself whether I should hide the cookie jar because I know if he gets a little hungry that is what dad reaches for. 

I try to keep things out of the house, like cake, that would be tempting for me too.  Fortunately i have lots of my own cookies!

One of the puroses in this life seems to be to learn to love, and to reach out to others.  Also I have learned that the world is not designes to make me happy.  I also like to believe that there are some things like deeds of courage or kindness, or compassion that link our lives with the unknown.

1 comment:

nancy-Lou said...

Beth, I think the settings on your camera are for really good pictures rather than average, thus the file is too many megabytes, ( too large) and it takes a long time to upload them. Check out the settings on your camera. It must be very frustrating and we all miss out on your great pics! Love the ones you put on today. Interesting that you (Vancouver) are seeing signs of leaves changing already....isn't that early? We are changing to fall and had two delightful cool days, with highs about 15C and lows about 7C. No airconditioning....YAHOOOOO! Hope your mood was light for your visiting. What a great thing to do....some of those folks rarely get visitors. Good for you. Love, Nancy