Wednesday, September 26, 2012


It was fantastic to just look around and see everyone. It was fun but parties are for the young who have so much energy and life. I would have liked to have more one on on time with each one. Parties for me are exhausting and although I dream about our getting together; and after it is all over it seems just like a dream, the joy lasts within my heart for ever.

Today I am sending loving thoughts to you all.  A perfectly imperfect family that knows how to laugh together and share their dreams. 

Dad did go for his walk and we went to the library to pick up s book we had ordered.  Supper was over at The Wise's home and Shawna made her famous lagany(please tell me how to spell it.)  I am tired and my mind is confused. Yes I think it is lasagna It was fun to be with them and we will miss everyone but time for life to get back to normal.

Today I am sending loving thoughts to every cell in my body wanting to be healed.

I would love to live in a dream world where there is no pain, no regrets, no unhappiness, no sickness; and yet I know that some emotional pain never leaves. This is why we have compassion for others because we know that their dreams have not come true. I am aware of the many dysfunctional things I do that are so annoying but they annoyed me even more. If I were to put into words my feelings it would be like a blazing fire within my heart has become just ashes. They need to be stirred and brought to life again. There is within us a heart that needs to be protected from hurt and dealt with the same tenderness as love and kindness.


Anonymous said...

I think it is "lasanga".



Anonymous said...

Sounds like your body needs all it's resources to fight right now. Dont stay too long at your ladies get together today. Sandra

beth bennett said...

Thank you both for your helpful and wise advise'
love mom

Anonymous said...

Lasagne or lasagna both are acceptable.We are back home and miss the sea and lovely warm weather.