Thursday, September 20, 2012


 I know that I need to take and heed  advice as well as give it.
I love being at the Beach at White Rock even when the sun is sitting and the coolness of the night air makes me so thankful for my shawl that Carol brought home from China.  We usually
skip a few stones over the waters bu it was too chilly

Now the mornings are very cool and I am not even  tempted to run under the sprinkler.
 Dad will be at home mixing his cereal and reading the news paper. 
 My plan was to go visiting but I was told in no uncertain terms by three nurses and one future bride so is one of the nurses, that I needed to see the doctor about a rash on my arms etc.  I do not think it is necessary. I phone and find our doctor taking calls in Morgan Creek Clinic.  We  then spent a long time sitting and waiting.  At least there was a cute little girl about the age of Jasmine running around the place and pressing the door opening button.
That is good news from Ken that all is going well with their trip.
I had a chuck cut out om arm and left it to be examined.  It appears I have some strange infection and am now covered in band aids.  The solution is to put on anti-biotic ointment and them cover the rash,with band-aids.  Boy am I covered!  Arms, legs and back.,
I may have to get a new dress just to cover all the band aids for The Wedding!
The good news is that we did find some slippers.  And Mary and Michael John are arriving that night.
I am trying hard to be more open to new ideas that are now emerging from new discoveries.  It is not always easy to find spiritual energy and it is only by being creative that I can learn from the past but be open to the future.  People are using their talents and wisdom to uncover new truth.
This is good but the rest of us, who feel that they do not have this talent, have other gifts.  "Our gifts are the many ways in which we express our humanity.  They are a part of who we are: friendship, kindness, patience, joy, peace, forgiveness, love, hope,  rust and the most important one is courage."
This is from the "Wounded Healer" by Henri Nouven.  We plan to study one of his books in our next study group.  He was able to teach others with his willingness and openness about his flaws and failures.  Not covering up like I can do but to be vulnerable and transparent. 
He shares that he has known loneliness, jealousy and uncertainty among other failures but because he is firmly rooted in God's grace he makes the grace of God's love real for all with all our faults.


Anonymous said...

Well, I'm glad you went to the doctor!

I'm not feeling that well myself, but hoping that things will sort themselves out, as I don't want to miss the wedding.

And I agree that creativity is needed to absorb and understand what new discoveries reveal about the universe, and god, and all that jazz.



Anonymous said...

Yes Rick I have been feelng concerned about you. Seen a doctor lately?

Drive carefully,

Good comments

love mom

Anonymous said...

Tyler arrives today. Still sunny and hot here. We did the Aquaduck tour yesterday.