Friday, September 28, 2012


The leaves are falling and we are entering a new season!
I said No! I did not want another biopsy not because it hurt or anything I just felt it was not necessary as the rash was starting to improve. I had planned to go visiting but just in case I had any germs and because it was just such a nice day we took a leisurely drive to U.B.C. Looked int the bookstore and in the rose garden. Had lunch on a patio of an English Pub. Great fun.

Salvation, meaning freeedom, is what is neede in all our lives.
. In my life. in my relationships. In my marriage.
In my religion and in my church. In my community and in my world.
Everyday has the freshness of being new.
I need  resist the urge to think negative thoughts and to I remember the good things.

"You believe what you say about yourself more than what anybody else"
Somebody said that I do not know who.
Our words have creative power and are our salvation!

The words we say to ourselves and the words we believe.

"Armand Gamache knew no good ever came from putting up walls.
What people mistake for safety was in fact captivity,
.amd few things thrive in captivity."
from "A Trick  of the Light" by Louise Penny.

"In the midst of a turbulent, often chaotic life (when one almost burns themselves with the gas flame burning away) we are called out to reach our innermost self, with courageous care to our fellow human beings (who are only trying to be helpful and not just run away with our hurt feelings.)

A good day but now I am saying "is it bedtime yet?  "Is it bedtime yet?  Is it?
To-morrow is the dentist in town.


nancy-Lou said...

I am sending you healing thoughts...for your body and for you spirit. Just take it easy, Beth....this is a time to "re-charge your batteries"! The wedding sounded fabulous....what lovely pictures you and Sandra posted. I have a 5 Sunday stint of playing at church, starting this Sunday. Our minister is off on another walking trip...she and her partner have gone on many, all over the world. My BF Gina will sit in the front pew and remind when it is "the last verse". I used to know when everyone snapped the hymn books shut and sat down...but now they remain standing. I sometimes loose count on the 6 verse hymns....shorter are OK!
Love, Nancy

Anonymous said...

I thought you were going to cancel your dentist apointment mom until you were all healed up? I am hoping for more pictures to show up, I have almost no memory of Friday so need proof of what I did!

Anonymous said...

Lots if leafs in the woods, time to bring out the winter woollies. It is grand final weekend (our grey cup) we are off to Felica and Pella's house for a BBQ and to watch the game .