Tuesday, September 4, 2012


This is the place on River Road where we went on Labour Day for a little excursion.  Very pleasant.

I hurt my back trying to pull out some roots but they held fast and I landed on the ground.  It was preventable and I had no one to blame but myself.

I would like to believe that God can prevent tragedy that causes us so much pain; and I am thinking of much worse things, but there is a strength and a courage that comes with faith.  As I see it history teaches us that if human beings are determined to do something cruel and destructive, we can not depend on God to stop us.  Sometimes other human beings can prevent evil by becoming involved and helping.

"As the Talmud says, when a person does a good deed when he doesn't have to. God looks down and says, For this moment alone it was worth creating the world."   Harold Kushner

This generation is the first to realize that the earth may become extinct.  Scary thought.  The thought that some fanatical group could get control of the nulclear weapons that so many countries have and destroy other nations.

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