Saturday, September 1, 2012


Now I am understanding more and more what it feels like to be getting older and more forgetful and more worried about being forgetful!  I realize that there are many stages in life that are challenging.  The teen-age years for sure.  Then there our relationships with the other sex, which can be interesting.

Proverbs 30 says: "There are three things I do not understand
the way of the eagle in the sky
the way of a snake on a rock
and the way of a man with a woman."

The more things change the more they stay the same! !

I know that I like to have a list of the things I want to get done.  Dad thinks that is a bit strange.
We were laughing over this at supper when Sandra dropped by with Stephen and Shawna.

We had called upon the top chef to cook supper (Pantli) but plans had not been confirmed so Sandra and the children had eaten out in Lander where they had gone to check catering plans.  Panteli had prepared a fabulous supper, which dad and I enjoyed, as we were certainly hungry.  We even had fancy wine and beer! I had understood plans had been confimed but evidently they had not been. My mistake.  They had enjoyed a walk around the bird sanctuary.    It was a perfect day for it.

We went ahead with an early birthday celebration for Sandra, cake candles and all.  I mailed out all the cards early so figured we might as well celebrate early.We had fun!  Lots of good story telling.

They are driving to the Oregon Coast to celebrate her birthday in style.

Dad had a lot of pain from his big day before but that was not surprising.  He and Panteli will drive the car to its storage spot in Chilliwack and later we will take him to the plane. It will be very quiet here without him we have enjoyed his company.

I am having lunch out with Cathy and catch up on all her news.

1 comment:

Don Quixote said...

“If death meant just leaving the stage long enough to change costume and come back as a new character...Would you slow down? Or speed up?”
~ Chuck Palahniuk