Friday, September 7, 2012


                                         I am so thankful for cool evennings and mornings.

Thank you Nancy for the kind words and advice and yes Larry had already done that to our cameras. It is strange when something worked for ages and then refuses to work.
Nor clear but very heart touching pictures.  So happy Ken sent these pictures but too bad he is sick with a nasty chest cold.  Hope he goes to the doctor. I learned last year how quickly something can change to pneumonia.

Great grandpa opens his father's day card from Mathew and Jasmine.  He is being cool in his shade deck!

It is clear that there are a few churches that still have a spiritual vibrancy based on serious engagement with faith practices such as prayer, scripture, hospitality and enacting justice and compassion for the less fortunate.  I am thankful for the good work we do in our community supporting single moms and poor working class families.

What is not clear  is why so many churches are failing.  Nondenominational churches show a slight numerical increase. The music?    Our pianist played a lovely piece by Beethoven last Sunday.
Do people not feel a spiritual need in their lives?

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