Saturday, September 15, 2012


                                  Woke no feeling of enthusiasum.

Did not feel any inspiration to write or pray or read or go for a walk.

We all have days like this eh?

Actually dad and I both have sick stomachs so I think we may have a bug.

Many things have not worked out as planned in my life.  Getting a job as soon as we moved to Vancouver was a big dream.  Got the job but had to quite before I started.  I ended up becoming a stay at home mom which I was very enthusiastic about.

Slowly over the years I am finding out more about myself and being open to new dreams.  I now call them soul dreams that have been planted within me.

I forced myself to water some flowers, mail a letter and go for  a walk. 

I also hugged a bum.  He was sitting on the curb looking so sad.  His name was Chris so right away that melted my heart.  He had to move out of his place because his disability had been cut.  He had been working but his leg was run over by a fork-lift.  That was his story.  I returned home and got a little change to give to him.  Enough to buy breakfast anyway and then he was going to visit his dad in hospital.  He hopes to move into the salvation army and I hope he does.  He was very grateful and I do hope I did the right thing.

Dad and I skyped Ken and Melina.  The children were very happy and excited.  Jasmine has not had her test yet for her enlarged tonsils which make it hard for her to breath,.
They are going to the birthday party for Jessie later in the day, he will be 14.


Anonymous said...

On the bus on the way to work. Nice talking to you. Sorry Matthew gets so excited to talk to you. It's hard to hear you sometimes. Jesse turned 14 on Friday. Hope your stomachs feel better soon. Enjoy the football game.

Anonymous said...

A very Christian thing to do, Mom, in helping the fellow on the curb.

Hope you and Dad feel better soon!



nancy-Lou said...
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Anonymous said...

Where is today's blog? Kids are very excited about the plane trip !

Shandel said...

i think it was so lovely how you helped a soul in need. Its nice when days like that come when you just know someone needs help. Regardless if his story in completely true. (which we always hope it is) Making someone happy or giving someone faith that there are kind people out there is always a good feeling. Both for yourself and the person you helped. You put a huge smile on my face when i read that. <3