Saturday, April 3, 2010


An abandoned anchor.

I like to try to plan my week but sometimes I have to abandoned my original plans and then am surprised by what turns out to be a better plan. I went to visit my elderly friend Shirley but missed her as she had gone for a little walk around the complex; so instead dad and I went yesterday. As we left our home the wind nearly blew us away and our power was already off. The trees were bending and swaying back and forth in the gusts of wind and traffic lights were not working. When we arrived at Shirley's house her heat had gone out but the electricity was on. The wind was rattling the gas fireplace and the windows creaked and the fan on the stove was making a horrible noise. Shirley was so glad to have company. While we waited for the expert to arrive to fix the problem we laughed and told stories and had coffee. It was not till much later she was told no one was available but a heater was supplied so between that and her fireplace her apartment warmed up. She prefers to stay in her own home even though we offered her a bed.

We came home and our house was very cold but the power was now back on. We turned on the news to see all the havoc the wind had caused. Trees crashing down on houses and roads and cars and ferries cancelled. We realized how spoilt we are to have power and electricity, running water and indoor plimbing etc.

JESUS had been abandoned, as he knew would happened, by his cowardly fearful disciples. Death had destroyed all their hopes and plans of great glory following their charismatic leader. It was not until they awoke to the fact that the spiritual power of his awesome love was still with them; that they were changed into fearless disciples willing to die for what they now believed in.

This past week has been called Holy Week and those of us who believe understand the depth of emotion linked to the days leading up to the day we now call Good Friday.
The disciples were changed but Jesus is still changing the lives of people today. A rough and foul mouth logger was transformed by the touch and warmth that embraced him unexpectedly; and yet he knew it was Jesus. This spiritual experience so strong and powerful it changed his life and he became a minister of the gospel. His daughter Shirley tells us this story with great pride in her daddy.

"I will love you forever" Jesus told his disciples.

I will love my children, my grandchildren and grandchildren and all the amazing family we have become forever. That is the Easter message that we celebrate to-morrow on Easter Sunday.


Anonymous said...

What a powerful Easter story from Shirley. Thank you for sharing it and for demonstrating active love in your life . Our Wednesday morning quiet time has been very special. Jane.

Anonymous said...

Did dad get his generator running? Our power stayed on the whole time, but I had a candle lit so I was ready.

Anonymous said...

No he is waiting for it to snow.

Anonymous said...

I am working all this Easter. We plan to hide
some eggs for Matthew tomorrow when I am home.
Happy Easter mom.