Sunday, April 18, 2010


We left church early to make a quick trip home to make sure no one was joining us on our outing. We listened to the recorder and heard ourselves talking in the car on the way to church, the listening ear had somehow dialed in to our home phone.

Walking in the woods with happy excited children in front of us and behind us was great fun. Watching their little faces as they carefully put the little tiny fish into the stream reminded me of something I had heard about how we are all swimming in God's love. The air we breath and the earth we walk upon miracles of creation.
In the myth of Adam and Eve God declares all that He has created as good, very good.

As I release the little babies into the flowing stream I am reminded that we need to release negativity of any prejudice we have towards others. We live in a world as co-creators with God, the male and female, that created by speaking life into existence not by slaying or killing as some stories are told.

We were tired when we got home from a long walk but I felt like we had been celebrating God's love together and that joy was filling the air with laughter and excitement. I thought about how long ago what great fun it must have been to be Jesus' disciples walking freely bringing joy and healing and new life to all who would come and listen.

God is a loving spirit that will never squelch the childlike spirit but joins with us and we become the spiritual beings that can float free in the wonder of this world. I hope I can always have a bit of a choldlike spiri twithin me.


Anonymous said...

so, you now know where the stream is. Did they say when the fish would be back to spawn, and what time of year to come see that happen? I got the trailer unloaded AND even hooked it up and parked it in the back yard. Randy was so tired when he got home he just sat there and watched Desperate House wive and then Brothers and Sisters with me. At least I think his eyes were open?

Anonymous said...

What a neat experience. The wonders of nature never cease. Jane.