Monday, April 12, 2010


This was me waiting impatiently for the mail-man; he is a man so I guess I do not have to say mail-person to be politically correct, but my package did not arrive.
Last night I was waking up nearly every hour to see if it was time to wake up. When I did sleep I was having dreams about children I had cared for in the past.

Last night after we got home from Sandra and Randys; after inspecting the shiny car and the perfect lawn, and the beautiful tulips and eucalyptus tree and eating delicious Shrimp Jumbalia, we saw the light flickering on the phone. Yes, Ken had phoned and I had had the feeling at Sandra's house we should try skyping him. Jasmine with her big blue eyes is looking brighter and made some baby noises and Matthew was fighting sleepiness because it was time for an afternoon nap. Melina looked good especially considering the lack of sleep and the demands of the children. Ken has a nasty cold so it was good he had a day off.

We heard sad news yesterday as a good friend died from cancer. He loved books and was full of life and loved to laugh. We had just got to know Gordon better by sitting in front of him and his wife at Colebrook Church.

The health news in the paper telling us how to age is in front of me. "Most of us will need new strengths and strategies to grow older gracefully." So I will now go and read this article because I need to learn how to carry on "gracefully". I have come to accept that I will never be as healthy as I think I should be so why waste time trying new things. I applaud those who do but it can be a waste of energy if we put all our energy in trying to find something to cure all our aches and pains; there are some we will just have to live with.


Anonymous said...

Did you skype Kenny then when you got home? I do not remember seeing him listed as online when we were talking to Mary.
Maybe we should get Randy to voluteer to help with the book selling if he is not working that day.

Anonymous said...

Yes I am going to volunteer for that so I can add his name.

Yes, we did skype Ken and Melina; Matthew and Jasmine.

love mom

Anonymous said...

Such sad news about Gord.It was not expected so quickly . There were many tear filled eyes at Colebrook l think the picture of you is lovely. Jane