Thursday, April 15, 2010


My greatest longing is to be calm and peaceful and to not be afraid.

It has taken years for things to begin to fall in place as I am slowly learning to trust that in this world there is a spirit of goodness that will bring us all into the light.

My salvation is not in a church or even in a religion,
not in a creed not in a church
but in the Healing Power of Grace.

I am thankful for the many different churches we have attended and for the many different people I have meet with whom I shared laughter and tears. I have learned to draw strength from the well of living water that Jesus offers to me daily but I have also learned to draw strength from the courage and faith of others.

Life can be stressful and demanding and there have been times I would have liked to run and hide. On that wet and miserable night that I went to church complaining within myself that I wished I had not volunteered to put on the coffee. My attitude stank. Yet a complete stranger speaks into my life; deep into the heart of my soul, and pours love like a healing oil on all my sadness and my grumpiness.

There are no words to express my feelings which is often the case there are no words to express the reality of truth. It cannot be grasped because like a cobweb it is so very fragile.

For a brief moment in time I truly believed that I was worthy of being loved.

I compare it to a vision or a dream of being in a beautiful garden, so fragrant and full of life. Birds and butterfly's, bees and lady bugs, worms and bugs; all creatures great and small. I feel inadequate to be in charge of all that I see.
There comes a presence that I feel beside me, that I cannot see but I know is there.
Jesus has come to visit my garden and enjoy it with me.

Salvation is just a word but it can be experienced as being loved for who you are!


Anonymous said...

Thats why I like being out in my garden so much, that is where god is waiting for me!

Anonymous said...

I am glad the title did not put you off. Did you read my blog about my book arriving. I was disappointed the comments did not appear but maybe i can change that next time. Yes, I am going to keep doing it. It brings me great joy!

love mom