Thursday, April 22, 2010


You have to look very carefully

These so called cute visitors who come and wreck our pond and eat our fish are now coming expecting to be fed. Yes, we are putting out a little cat food. There are two of them and they look pretty chubby. They then leave and walk along our fence to the front yard past our kitchen window. I wonder what they think of us.

Ernest Hemingway said that every person's life, truly told, would make a grand story. I think it would take a gifted story teller to make each one of our stories come alive. But only dad can tell his stories; no one else could.

"Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you, and before you were born,
I consecrated you." The book of Jeremiah

This brings me some comfort but I still have to work through my wrong thinking and negative attitude that always come when I compare myself with others. I wish that I had more energy but today I walked through the forest with dad looking for his cell phone, then helped unpack the rummage at the rummage sale. dad and I carried boxes down from the attic at the church, and I worried about him falling but all went well. After eating and a 20 minute rest I went visiting at the Nursing Home. After falling asleep watching the news I went out and cut the lawn. Now it is 8 o'clock and I will have a bath and try to stay awake for awhile.

"Any transition serious enough to alter your definition of self will require not just a small adjustment in your way of living and thinking but a full-on metamorphosis." Martha Beck. The story of Easter the caterpillar into the butterfly.
We all our unique and uniquely different. I like to plan my days but I have to learn that things can happen and plans can change. I feel that I have been very blessed to know the love of God that is showered upon me each day and the love of my family.

Change is hard for any of us unless we feel it is for the better and worth the effort! I took some books to the sale and bought some china that is just like my mom's old dishes. I have to stop now and I may very well change this all in the morning.


Anonymous said...

what cutie pies !
I knew my eyes were getting bad when driving our son Dacotah home from work one night I said " look there is a cat with a squirrel on it's back ! " then I thought . Why would a cat have a squirrel on it's back ! look again Mum , it was a raccoon !
Dacotah just shook his head
I love your blog , it is beautiful

Anonymous said...

Thank you Roxy, You have made my day more than you will ever know.
Love beth