Monday, April 26, 2010


Dad and I are revisiting the Water Shed Park to look for the cell phone. Maybe we should take a lunch along.

Buddhists say we must reach that inner good part of ourselves. They also stress good deeds strengthen the force for good. Having Sandra come with me to work at the rummage sale brought me a lot of joy.

I am revisiting some journalling I did on Buddhism but am having trouble with words disappearing on the computer so I am giving up for today. It is so frustrating when you pour your heart out in your writing and then it disappears.
I feel like quiting but I think it is just because I still feel tired from a busy 4 days. I will reorganize my closet and maybe find the phone on the floor. Yah right!


Anonymous said...

Well, I think a coffee would be a good thing to take along, still not all that warm out. Did dad call Telus to say he had lost it?

Anonymous said...

Try the police re the missing cell phone. Someone may have handed it in.Jane