Sunday, April 25, 2010


Way back in the beginning of time we know that altars were built as a form of worship. I do not have one but I have my chair I sit in where I pray and let my mind wander. I pray for my family and for those on my prayer list and for others who come to mind.I have candles, flowers rocks and treasures that I look upon. I pray

I pray for creative energy within them to be renewed.

Sacredness is a very fragile thing and trying to be open to the move of the spirit can be a challenge. Trying to understand what others believe is even more difficult.
There is a part of me that likes the tradition I grew up with; that has had a great influence on my life, but in which there are many faults and may seem to be judgmental to outsiders. For people who have been burned with organized religion, God brings up such negative emotions that they have to recover first before they can move forward.

I find that when I push myself and get over-tired I can easily become self-absorbed and have feelings of self-pity. I also am easily hurt and when I get hurt I get angry. It takes time for me to get my life in balamce again.

Goodness has a greater force than evil to bring healing into a broken world even when we are broken ourselves. We can all be trapped by illusion but if our intension is to be helpful some how God uses us.

"Being where we are
immersed in it
aware of it
alert to it
may well be the secret to living fully." -author unknown.

Here I am at the beginning of this new day with many good things to look forward to.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love how simple your altar is , not cluttered , very peaceful.
I know it is hard at times in todays world we are to be accepting of all and yet at times this can cause conflict in our hearts too because the fact is we all have different opinion 7 beleif . Being understanding 7 having empathy is what counts I think .
I struggle too because my old pagan self would have been far more accpeted rather then the now Christian / Catholic me.
Yet we know we cannot base our life on being for others or seeking acceptance either.
In the end I can only be me the me I am created to be
it is far more important to me if I am good with my creator be I reading Gandhi or listening to Charles Stanley then what other people think or beleive .
I'm supposed to change or know better ,God is gonna let me know
:-) I think God cares more I work on my stuff , own my faults , be responsible , then those sins of others ;-)
I think as we grow so much more in openness as we get older . I look at my mum and how she goes to classes and just keeps on learning . Life is so beautiful and I love aging & growing .
once again I love your blog , so reflectful Thanks so much