Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Children bring us so much joy and looking back I think how precious the time was that we had together. So many nights I would just wander into their rooms when they were sleeping and feel such happiness, but also I would worry that I could not protect them from being hurt in life. They would all have their own disappointments and learn from the choices they would make. All too soon they grow up and have children of their own who are growing up. I am surrounded by loving pictures of them all.

We had a lot of freedom as children and could stay out playing for hours. I felt safe. People were friendly and kind but the adult world was very separate from mine.
If I felt sad I would keep it to myself. Happiness was the hours playing outside with all the children of the neighborhood and having a good book to read. I am sure I read every animal story in the library.

Today here parents are more concerned about their children and they are walked or driven to school. At the park adults are always there with them. Children are taken to special fun places and all the family has fun together. The world has changed in many ways and we have to learn to change with it.

Yesterday I felt an urge to phone a friend and sure enough she was going through health and family problems; so off I went for a visit. I took a little food for her supper but I guess the best part was listening and caring and giving her several big hugs. Came home exhausted to find dad looking for his cell phone. I was desparately hungry and I was pretty sure I was not guilty. After eating and taking something for a headache I helped him look. It has not been found.

This is a small problem compared to what others are facing but it is annoying to lose something which has all the numbers of family and friends and doctors listed.

I planted some of my seeds I bought the other day. I do not have much success with growing seeds but I will try again. Seeds of faith also need to be watered and nourished or they can quickly wither and die. Wholeness for me is acknowledging the spiritual part of my being and trying to remember to pray.

"To develope pure and unconditional love
between husband and wife, parent and child,
friend and friend, self and all,
is the lesson we have come on earth to learn."
Paramubartsa Yogonanda.
{My little note at the bottom of my blog tells me I can learn to meditate in 15 minutes!]


Anonymous said...

true ....ken

Anonymous said...

which part kenny?

did you try calling dads cell from your cell?

I planted my seeds too, but not all taht hopefull.


Anonymous said...

Mom had only written two paragraphs when i commented. Kids , grow up fast and have lost most of their freedom .