Sunday, April 18, 2010


I really enjoyed my day with Carol and Sandra walking in the rain at Vandusen Gardens. It was fun meeting the old fellows selling their flowers with such pride and passion. What a lot of work putting them in their separate little containers.
Sorry girls I kept going the wrong way on our walk but glad you kept an eye out for me. It is good to have a time that it is just girls. That was one of the fun things about the showers we had before Mary's wedding. My lunch was delicious salmon with my salad! A good day with good memories for me.

I woke up this morning thinking it was Monday which is unusual for me not to know it is Sunday. I want to get a short walk in first and then after church go to the Watershed Park where they are releasing fish into the streams and will be teaching children young and old about looking after our wildlife. I hope Theresa and Morgan and Ben can come.

To-night we have a meeting of our religious book study which right now means watching a D.V.D.; about facing tough questions. I have learned so much being a part of this group and we have fun when we get together.

I am thinking what can I do for the poor and homeless and for the lonely. Dad and I are going to volunteer at a thrift store to help raise money. After I got home I went to visit my neighbor Rasanna; she is a widow and is very lonely. Dad was happy watching figure skating on T.V. and doing some writing. Of course the day ended watching the hockey game and it was exciting but disappointing when the Cannucks did not win

"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and is peace loving, considerate, impartial and full of mercy that bears good fruit." This is from the book of James. I left out submissive and keeping oneself from being poluted by the world.

The song on the radio is singing" A runner on a lonely road" and the words speak to me. I am wandering on a road that at times feels lonely.

1 comment:

beth bennett said...

My computer suggests I read "Cappy's Fishing stories from across America. lol