Saturday, April 17, 2010


A new perspective cannot emerge until the tired definitions, outdated perspective, stubborn unwillingness to change have been burned away like the fog on a sunny day!

I had a very real dream where I was in a big boat and we could not move because we where in such heavy fog. We were taking a bride-to-be to her wedding. There was a disagreement about who was in charge and what should we do. Keep going I said just keep going.

Thinking about Jesus in the boat with the disciples; the important thing was that as long as he is in the boat they are safe. A lot of churches are having problems, especially the more liberal like the United Church. Then there is the scandal that is rocking the Catholic boat of faith. The shame of a disgraceful past can fog our future so that we do not know where we are going.

There are bad people in every walk of life; but it is hard when you want to put your faith in the church, ministers, teachers or policemen; even marriage and families are not safe places anymore for some people.

We need good leaders who can see ahead and help guide us.

I have had my say in what I think is important [at our church] as we navigate troubled waters but I cannot vote, which is okay, I am ready for change but not everyone is. I respect the strong feelings of others.

I believe in the Church and I know it can continue to be a powerful force for good if we care for the poor and the sick and provide a safe harbour for those who are in trouble. I have found my best life-long friends in the community of faith and I have found purpose and meaning for my life.

We all have stress in our lives and it is important to recognize the symptoms of stress. I believe in synergism which is medicine and prayer working together.
As human beings we need a human body but as a spiritual being God does not. I believe that we can talk to God through prayer; and be open to and receive love and healing. When we pray there is a potential for us to be changed and to live more in harmony with others.

"Where can I go from Your Spirit?
Or where can I flee from your Presence?
If I take the wings of the morning
and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea
Even there Your Hand shall guide me
And Your Right Hand shall hold me."

I love to walk with my great-grandchildren and to hold their little hands in mine.
I am little compared to a Big God so my little hand fits in just right with His!
Love heals!

Today Sandra and myself will be going to Vandusen Gardens; where she will be very tempted. If it was the book store I would always be tempted. I will take pictures
and enjoy the day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Not surprisingly the vote today at Colebrook was for" maintenance" as the path to pursue for the next two to three years. This decision was endorsed at the congregational meeting with only one dissenting vote. Hope you had a good time at Van Duesan gardens. Jane.