Tuesday, April 27, 2010


These are just pictures of Carol and Ben and Morgan and Theresa when they came for a visit. We have not seen them for awile so it was good fun.

The other pictures are of Ava and her sisters with Ava's new baby boy. He was happy sitting on gtandpa's lap. It is hard to believe how these young girls have grown up. I first met their mom when Gracelyn was born and as a mom with five children she needed some help. Both dad and I are very fond of these children and enjoy their visits. We have become an important part of their lives.

My books certainly are my friends. Yes, I have read Thomas Merton and enjoyed his writings that I found very helpful but a little too intellectual to satisfy my soul.

One very interesting thing happened one year at Christmas. We were attending a Vineyard Church when I was told that this scripture was meant for me. The scripture was from 1 Samuel 22:30 "Yea, by thee I can crush a troop, and by my God I can leap over a wall." This is a strange verse but brings to mind David running and coming to a stone wall and without hesitation leaping over it. I had not told anyone about this.

The interesting thing was that at Christmas that year Ron Ateah gave me a book entitled "Leap Over A Wall" by Eugene Peterson. Earthy Spirituality for everyday Christians. The story about David is very powerful and yet very human at the same time. I had never even heard about this book and it was one of those amazing things that can happen unexpectedly and seem to confirm an experience.

My favorite book is "My Grandfather's Blessings by Rachael Naomi Remen, M.D.

Right now I am trying to read "The Constant Fire, Beyond the Science vs. Religion Debate. Just like Christians and Buddhists have much in common so does science and religion. But I am reading very slowly. I am trying to see religion more as spirituality that has more freedom to express itself. I used to take scripture more literally but there is so much that is hidden deeper that really speaks to me

I love Jewish writings that put a whole different light on the Old Testament.
One book that captured my heart was "Everyday Holiness"; the Jewish Spiritual Path of Mussar. Jane thank you for giving me that unique book.

I always have a mystery story that I read at the same time.

I picked up a book at our rumage sale called "Writing Down the Bones" about freeing the writer within. I have not read it yet and know it will join a pile of unread books.

I also read books about prayer as I try to be faithful in praying for others because prayer has helped me through times of sickness and discouragement.

I am thankful for all the good books that have influenced me and help me to see from different perspectives. I am thankful for good friends who have influenced my life by walking with me spiritually. I am thankful for my family.


Anonymous said...

I really like my grandfathers blessing too, see dad, I do agree with mom sometimes.
I have an apointment to see dr nolte on Friday morning, if am not too long (might go for an xray)I will stop by on my way home.

Anonymous said...

My kids miss their grandfather and Nonno.