Thursday, April 29, 2010


On a fence in the back yard a airplane unexpectedly appears; but then it is Sandra and Randy's back yard. Now we have our own in our front yard and I wonder what our neighbors think of us.

In the middle of the night last night we were woken up by the noise of a pile driver going bang bang. Dad was half asleep and thought someone was stuck in a dumpster because we have heard stories about that. There are several big dumpsters over at the safeway. The noise went on during the day maybe I will see if it is still there and take a picture. No it was not.

Dad has bought a new cell phone so is happier. He is putting in names and numbers.

We skyped Brittany who is visiting at Ken and Melina's but it did not work all that well. Matthew was happy eating a bag of chips and Jasmine was awake and happy. It was good to see Brittany and hear what her and Melina had done that day. I always think of things to say afterwards and I am sure they do too. I showed Matthew Ernie who giggles and he wanted to touch him. It seems like we are close but really we are far away.

The unexpected can come to us at any moment of any day. Something someone says to us or something we read or something we see can trigger an inner response that surprises us. I find that often the spiritual works like this. We may have been travelling along a certain path when we feel drawn in a new direction.

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