Wednesday, April 7, 2010


I read in our church bulletin the sanctuary key is missing. I feel guilty because I had used it and wonder could it possibly have been me. I go over and over in my mind but I am sure I returned the key when I used it. Am I suffering guilt by association?

Guilt is a funny emotion that some of us experience more than others. I can make an extra effort to pray longer and read my Bible more for a short period like Lent; but now I am drifting back into being lazy and although my Bible is still right by my bed it is not being read. Living a righteous life can be impossible and make one feel like a failure or guilty. We all fall short the Bible says and I like it when our leaders admit their failures before they are exposed. One example right now is Tiger Woods, a hero to many, who has fallen from grace, now that his secret life has been exposed. He probably was lonely, forced to withdraw because so much was demanded of him. I hope that he find grace within himself and forgiveness.

Grace takes humility as well as honesty. I can accept God's love and forgiveness because it is offered to me and I am happy to see that I am being offered a relationship not as a stern policeman nor a strict parent but as a kind friend. A friend who is willing to love you even when you act like a jerk. A friend that tells you the truth about yourself.

Easter promises new birth that will come again and again. Amazing grace an old song that we can all relate to and sing from our hearts. I am glad that I belong to several Bible study groups which keep me studying and give me the discipline to apply what I read.

I find I need to be compassionate and to live in community with others. Yes, I feel a tinge of guilt as I reach for my unopenned Bible knowing that the words that I read are life and strength and as I read I am more open to God speaking to me.

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