Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Yes it was my idea to go see the movie "The Wimpy Kid" that was filmed in New West.
I enjoyed it and it reminds me that we all have our different personalities and some times looking back we can see the humour even in the difficult situations. We all can do some things well and need help with others. And while we are unique, there is one thing we all have in common, we all make mistakes. Be yourself is the most important thing!

"How odd to be human,
stuck inside this skin
stuck to earth by gravity
forced to live and breath and die
Forced to feel joy and pain."

"Life can no longer seem like an experience of freedom" -"Blue Like Jazz."

Anyway going to the movies like this one makes me feel young again.


Anonymous said...

And look at how happy Carol and I are too!

Anonymous said...

Dad forgot to say smile!
love mom