Saturday, April 10, 2010


This is Morgan thinking she is so cool with her new sun glasses on!

Sun glasses
Garage Sales
Trees bursting with new life
Cherry blossoms are in their full glory
Lawns being cut
Birds chirping
Cheeky squirrel's
Skate boarders
Joggers with shorts on
Roofers beginning.
Weeds, weeds and more weeds!
My first butterfly!
Spring means open doors and open windows and the quiet street becomes alive with the voices of children playing. Right now spring feels darn cold even though the sun is shining. I like my street and my neighbors and I am very thankful we have moved here. I have had a lazy day today and have done nothing I planned, well, except pull a few weeds, watched some golf and did some reading. Oh I did go to the store but forgot to take the purse with money in it. I had enough for dad's milk and the rest will be there tomorrow.

I look forward to going to church and it makes me happy. In some mysterious way I draw strength from the belief that God loves me.

"God's love will never change us if we do not receive it." God asks only that I become real with Him and He will become real to me!
Blue Like Jazz


Anonymous said...

I'm glad you like the neighbourhood. I liked the other house on the cliff better.

It is sunny but somewhat chilly here too.



Anonymous said...

Yes, I do too in many ways but it was too much for us to take care of and I just could not bear the thought of dad climbing up on the roof to clean off moss or snow or broken branches. It was just too much work for me and more and more things needed fixing.

I am glad that if I go to the store now without money it is much easier to return.

I loved your house in Ashcroft.

love mom