Friday, April 9, 2010


It's only a worried man who sings a worried song.

I am starting to remember all the old songs but have decided not to worry about it. I read about a greeting card some one received that said; "Worrying does not empty tomorrow of its troubles, it empties today of its strength." Good advice which I certainly could tell some one else but find it harder when applying to my own life.

So as I started out for my walk very early Thursday morning it had started to hail a bit and the wind was brisk. Hail does not usually last long so I was not worried. The road became very slippery and several police cars, ambulances and a fire truck went screaming by. I felt sorry for the drivers on the road who had to be at work and here was me out in this miserable weather completely by choice. I did turn around sooner than I usually do and took this picture of a small wooded area on my journey. It certainly did not feel or look like spring and I would not be doing anything in the garden this day. No worries mate there are always cupboards to clean and other tasks that I keep putting off. The trouble is I start out with great vitality planning just what I am going to accomplish but by the time I get everything pulled out of place and drawers emptied I have a big mess and am running out of steam. The worst part is reading over papers that i have kept for some strange reason but everyone must be gone through because they may be important.

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