Friday, April 30, 2010


Grace is like the gift of a sunset at the end of a weary day. A day that should have, or could have begun with promise, held me captive with an upset stomach. I put on my coat several times and felt too weak to venture out.

The good thing is I was able to finish reading some books and do some extra writing.
I question myself whether this is really what I should be doing. It is more rewarding to feel that I have helped some one else than to allow the spirit of grace rest upon me, and nourish me and assist me in deeper humility and awareness of my weaknesses.

I do not always realize that praying for others as they go through difficult times can be very draining to the point of spiritual weariness. This may seem strange to others but it has time and again been my experience. It is almost like spiritual energy is leaving you to go with them.

The body feels the need of nourishment and rest that the soul can often deny.

The sunset was a gift of pure love that awoke in me the excitement of being alive and knowing that energy would return. What is real to me may seem strange to others but all I can share is what I experience.

Grace is like a waem hug from God that comes just when I need it the most!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So sorry to read that you were feeling sick and depleted of energy. l hope you feel better today. May
God's healing and restorative hand rest upon you. Love Jane.