Friday, April 16, 2010


Tulips from Sandra's garden! For some strange reason the Gardner Sandra refused to have her picture taken. She had on her old gardening clothes which where wet and muddy down around the bottom of her pants and both her and her clothes were extremely dirty. I thought she might be interested in the book "The Gin and Tonic Gardener" because sometimes gardening can be frustrating. But then her garden always looks so good! She even has an eucalyptus tree to remind her of Australia.

She is looking for the right spot for morning coffee not a gin and tonic place at all.

I managed to resue the lady bug that came in our house today, after vacuuming up the first one, that totally caught me by surprise last week. Dad is putting cement in the front garden and putting up a big pole to put his airplane on. He has just come in and is saying "Come and look." I am a little afraid to but I will none the less.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We found a labybug and put it in a dish to save it
and show Matthew we he woke fromhis nap . But it
escaped !