Sunday, April 4, 2010


There is beauty everywhere when we start to look for it. Carol and Theresa and I were talking about people's lives being changed. We can give to the poor but can we really be involved in their lives? Jesus said to love our neighbor and then we all ask but who is our neighbor, who is the one that we need to give our time and energy to helping? One by one we are being called to bring hope to the hopeless and to bring a song of joy to those who have forgotten how to sing.

The gospel of Mark tells us about a young person, in the darkness, watching the arrest of Jesus. He is discover and one of the soldiers grabs is linen garment and he runs away naked. This sounds like the dreams I sometimes have. He is never identified and yet I feel a closeness to his wanting to see but not be seen. He is powerless to help Jesus when even his disciples are fleeing and frightened. Peter had wanted to use his sword and did cut off an ear but Jesus did not want violence and commanded it to be put away. Jesus, was a healer, and again used his power to heal and restore. There are many "watchers" in this world hiding in the darkness but in their hearts they are drawn to Jesus, a good man, a good teacher, a healer and a helper who stirs up within us new dreams that our lives have meaning and purpose.

We clothes ourselves with many things and many activities and many accomplishments but when these are ripped from us what is left? We all our the same underneath. We all want a better life for our loved ones. We all have the capacity to love and to forgive.

Or is it all a dream?

Mary Magdeline went to the tomb and saw the stone had been rolled away and meeting Peter and John she took them back with her. Inside they find the linen cloth used to bury Jesus as well as the burial cloth folded and separate; but there was no body.
The disciples leave but Mary stays weeping outside the tomb. Angels ask her why she is weeping and a voice speaks behind her to ask her who she is looking for. She does not recognize Jesus until she turns and looks into his eyes. "I have seen the Lord!" she runs and tells the disciples.

"Every faith story is by nature enshrouded in mythic elements;
when time and eternity appear to intersect." John Shelby Spong.


"I am the life that will never, never die;
I'll live in you if you will live in Me;
I am the Lord of the dance said he.


Anonymous said...

Hailelujah ! Jane.

Anonymous said...

Hallelujah ! Jane

Anonymous said...

We are still keeping in touch even though you are in North Van. eh!
love beth